

12 August 2013

Guinness Luxury Milk Chocolate Caramel Bar - A Brief Review

Completely unrelated to anything other than my Love of all things Guinness.

Now Guinness is as they say an Acquired taste, but once it has been acquired through drinking a few pints of "The Black Stuff" there's little better out there in the world of booze than a nice dirty big pint of Guinness. So if You've never had a pint of Guinness, get down to your local Irish bar, pub or booze store and remedy that problem with one(or more) of these:

A Freshly poured pint of Guinness(left)
still settling, as the saying goes "good things come to those who wait" - Let the Guinness settle before drinking.

This Pint of Guinness(right), has Settled and is Ready for drinking, a sip has already been taken.

Now, down to business and the whole point of this post. Guinness, (or perhaps Diageo who own the Guinness brand along with others like Smirnoff) have decided to branch out with the Guinness name into... Chocolate! While there are a few different "flavours" I will focus here on the one I tried personally, and this is the result:

Guinness Luxury Milk Chocolate Caramel Bar

Nice, clear, simple easily recognizable Guinness logo, easily distinguishable from other competition on the shelves of a store etc. outer packaging is card that opens at either end, easy to open and inner packaging is foil.

Now for the important bit.. the chocolate:
Now these next two pictures are not my own, shamelessly stolen from Google image search, as i forgot to take pictures of the bar itself, and by the time of writing... It had been nom'd

Showing inner foil packaging and the bar itself, it's divided up into 12 blocks, that can be broken off and nom'd individually.
Showing the Guinness Flavoured Caramel inside.

The chocolate itself is nice smooth milk chocolate as described on the packaging, the Guinness flavoured caramel, also nice and smooth, not too runny or too hard, just the right gooey consistency, and yes, it does have a Guinness taste to it, which although is only stated to be 2% Guinness, does give the caramel a liqueur taste so it may not be to everyone's liking.

Out of my Test Subject(Guinea pig) sample group, no-one died, so this was good, no reported illness nor any other medical issues arose due to consumption of the chocolate bar in question. 2 people out of 6 did not like, 4 out of the 6 including myself did like it which gives us a 66.6% approval rate 

In conclusion:
It's not for everybody, but neither is Guinness itself, my advice:
You only live once, Try it, also if you've still not Tried Guinness Try that too!

More Geeky stuff to come!

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